The city of Nairobi mourned a devastating loss on Saturday as three Somali women, victims of a horrific attack that has gripped Kenya, were laid to...
The discovery of Yusuf Hussein Ahmed’s mutilated body, 40 days after his brazen abduction in Nairobi, has ignited public outrage and deepened concerns over Kenya’s worsening...
FGM Activist Ifrah Ahmed Demands Better Care for Pregnant Women and Female Asylum Seekers. Ireland, a nation known for its progressive stance on human rights, is...
Police Discover Nine Mutilated Bodies in Nairobi, Launch Extensive Investigation Kenyan police have arrested a suspect who confessed to the murder of 42 women, a gruesome...
As Violence Escalates, President Ruto Faces Calls for Resignation and a Nation in Crisis Kenya is once again in turmoil as fresh protests erupted in Nairobi...
In a dramatic turn of events, Kenya descended into chaos on Tuesday as police fired on demonstrators attempting to storm the parliament, resulting in at least...
In a dramatic turn of events, thousands of Kenyans flooded the streets of Nairobi and other major cities on Tuesday, vehemently protesting against proposed tax hikes....
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