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Russia-Ukraine War

Russia’s Secret Trial of Elderly American Accused of Being Ukrainian Mercenary Stirs Controversy



The 72-year-old faces up to 15 years in prison for allegedly fighting for Ukraine, with a verdict expected soon.

Russia is holding a secret trial for Stephen Hubbard, a 72-year-old American accused of being a mercenary for Ukraine. The verdict is set to be delivered on Monday, October 7, amid widespread speculation. Hubbard allegedly signed a contract with Ukrainian forces in February 2022, offering his services for $1,000 a month. Captured in April, he faces seven to 15 years if convicted.

The decision to hold the trial behind closed doors has only added to the intrigue surrounding Hubbard’s case. According to Russian state media, the judge granted a request from prosecutors to keep the proceedings secret to “ensure the safety” of those involved. Interestingly, Hubbard himself reportedly supported the decision, saying he did not want outsiders to witness the trial. However, the reasons behind this are shrouded in mystery, raising questions about transparency and justice in Russia’s legal system.

Hubbard’s story is complicated by the fact that he has reportedly already pleaded guilty. Despite this, his family casts doubt on the charges. Patricia Fox, Hubbard’s sister, told Reuters that her brother has always been more of a pacifist, holding pro-Russian views that seem inconsistent with the allegations of him fighting for Ukraine. She pointed out that Hubbard has never owned a gun and has lived a life far removed from warfare or mercenary work.

In an era of heightened tensions between Russia and the West, this trial touches on broader geopolitical concerns. The U.S. Embassy in Russia has declined to comment on Hubbard’s case, citing privacy concerns. Still, Hubbard is one of at least 10 Americans currently imprisoned in Russia, some of whom, like Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan, have become global causes célèbres.

The notion of a 72-year-old mercenary fighting in Ukraine seems almost absurd, and yet this is precisely what the Russian government alleges. Prosecutors claim Hubbard was given weapons and training shortly after signing up to fight in the Ukrainian territorial defense. If convicted, he faces a harsh sentence, adding yet another layer to the complex U.S.-Russia relationship.

While the trial’s outcome remains to be seen, the secretive nature of the proceedings has left many questioning the legitimacy of the charges and the motivations behind them. Could this be a political move by Moscow? Is Hubbard a pawn in the broader chess game between global powers?

Russia has long been criticized for using secretive trials as a tool of political repression, and this case has all the hallmarks of such an agenda. The decision to keep the trial under wraps, the unclear charges, and the sudden “confession” from an elderly man who reportedly held pro-Russian views, all point to a complex and controversial scenario. The trial also comes at a time when relations between Russia and the U.S. are at their lowest point in decades, further complicating the situation.

As the clock ticks towards the October 7 verdict, all eyes are on this unusual case. The implications for U.S.-Russia relations, and indeed for global politics, are significant. Whatever the outcome, Stephen Hubbard’s story will likely continue to provoke outrage and curiosity. Was he really a mercenary, or has he been swept up in the storm of geopolitics?

The outcome of this secret trial could be a game-changer in the already fraught relationship between Russia and the West, sparking new debates over political prisoners and the use of legal systems as tools of international diplomacy. For now, the world waits for the verdict, hoping for clarity but bracing for more questions.

Modern Warfare

Norway Considers Building Fence on Russian Border, Citing Security Concerns Following Finland’s Lead



Norway Considers Building Fence on Russian Border, Citing Security Concerns Following Finland’s Lead

Norway is exploring the possibility of constructing a fence along its 198-kilometer (123-mile) border with Russia, following Finland’s recent decision to fortify its border for enhanced security. Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl expressed that a border fence, equipped with sensors and advanced technology, could help detect and deter movement near the sensitive boundary in Norway’s Arctic region.

“A border fence is very interesting, not only because it can act as a deterrent but also because it contains sensors and technology that allow you to detect if people are moving close to the border,” Mehl told Norwegian public broadcaster NRK in an interview published Saturday.

The Norwegian government is currently considering a range of security measures to bolster the border, including increasing the number of personnel, enhancing monitoring, or building fences similar to those in Finland. The Storskog border station, Norway’s only official crossing point from Russia, has seen minimal illegal crossings in recent years, but the government is prepared to close the border quickly if tensions in the Arctic region worsen.

Mehl’s remarks come in the context of Finland’s ongoing efforts to close its 1,340-kilometer (830-mile) border with Russia. Finland, which joined NATO earlier this year, took action after an influx of over 1,300 migrants—mainly from third countries without proper documentation—entered from Russia in late 2023. The Finnish government believes Moscow may use migrants as a tool in so-called “hybrid warfare.”

To prevent such scenarios, Finland is constructing up to 200 kilometers (124 miles) of fences along its border, especially near key crossing points. These fences are designed to allow officials to monitor potential migrant movements and respond more quickly to any security threats.

Inspired by Finland’s initiative, Mehl suggested that a similar fence could serve Norway’s security interests, especially given the strategic importance of the Arctic region. Her idea received support from local authorities, including Finnmark county’s police chief, Ellen Katrine Hætta, who acknowledged the potential relevance of a border fence.

The Storskog station, which is already surrounded by a smaller fence built in 2016 following a surge of 5,000 migrants crossing from Russia, could see further enhancements if security risks increase.

Though Norway is not an EU member, it participates in the Schengen Area, which allows for free movement across member countries’ borders. However, security concerns along its external border with Russia have prompted discussions about additional protective measures.

As the geopolitical landscape shifts, particularly with Norway and Finland’s strengthened NATO ties, border security is becoming an increasingly important topic across the Nordic region.

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Russia-Ukraine War

Putin’s Revenge: How Russia Could Unleash Chaos on the West



How far will Putin go if Ukraine is given the green light to strike deep inside Russian territory? According to a recently revealed U.S. intelligence report, the answer could be far more dangerous than anyone dares to imagine. This isn’t just about Ukraine anymore—this is about Europe, NATO, and the very stability of the West. The stakes have never been higher, and the consequences could be catastrophic.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been persistent in his request: Ukraine needs long-range missile systems to hit strategic Russian targets. Kyiv believes that these weapons could change the game, potentially turning the tide of the war. But the Biden administration has hesitated. Why? Because the cost of saying “yes” might not just be felt in Ukraine—it could bring a firestorm of Russian retaliation to NATO’s doorstep.

Behind this tense standoff is a secret U.S. intelligence report, first revealed by The New York Times, warning of the terrifying scenarios that could unfold if the West arms Ukraine with these powerful weapons. And it’s not just battlefield casualties we’re talking about. The report suggests that Moscow could go far beyond the borders of Ukraine in its revenge, unleashing a wave of sabotage, cyberattacks, and even direct military strikes on NATO soil. Europe and the United States could soon find themselves on the frontlines of a hybrid war they never expected.

A Wave of Chaos: Russia’s Playbook for Retaliation

Imagine this: major European cities crippled by sabotage. Power grids go down, explosions rock transportation hubs, and critical infrastructure is set ablaze. According to U.S. intelligence, these are very real possibilities if Ukraine receives the long-range missiles it’s asking for. Russian agents, possibly working with criminal networks already embedded in Europe, could launch coordinated acts of arson and destruction designed to create fear and confusion. It’s not just speculation. Sweden and Norway’s intelligence agencies have already sounded the alarm—Russia is preparing to go much further than before.

“We have seen an increased Russian risk appetite. They are prepared to go much further in security-threatening activities,” warned Gabriel Wernstedt, spokesperson for Sweden’s Security Service (Säpo). And the stakes could rise even higher: there’s concern that Russia might strike NATO military bases directly. What if Putin targets military installations in Europe—or worse, the U.S. itself? The Kremlin could view it as a chance to level the playing field, turning the conflict into a broader, more terrifying confrontation.

For the Biden administration, the question isn’t just about military strategy—it’s about survival. Approving long-range missiles for Ukraine could inflict serious damage on Russia’s military capabilities. But the intelligence report suggests that Moscow will quickly adapt, moving critical assets out of reach and repositioning to make these strikes less effective. So, is the reward worth the risk?

Several NATO countries have voiced their support for giving Ukraine the weapons it needs to defend itself, but every step toward escalation brings the specter of retaliation closer. Russia has repeatedly warned that any strikes on its soil could lead to global nuclear war—a threat that may be posturing, but one no leader can afford to ignore.

The Sabotage Threat Across Europe

Beyond military strikes, Russia has another weapon in its arsenal: sabotage. Imagine waking up to news that your city’s power grid has been taken offline or that a key transportation route has been bombed. These are the tactics that Putin could deploy to destabilize Europe without ever firing a missile. And it’s already happening. Just last August, Swedish and Norwegian intelligence agencies warned of Russian efforts to recruit criminal networks to carry out acts of arson, vandalism, and sabotage. The goal? To sow fear, disrupt economies, and weaken the West’s resolve—all without crossing the line into open military conflict.

This hybrid warfare is designed to hit where it hurts, but without triggering NATO’s full military might. It’s an insidious strategy that keeps the West guessing and makes every critical system a potential target. How do you fight back against an enemy who’s everywhere and nowhere at once?

And then, there’s the nuclear card. Every move toward escalation comes with the chilling reminder that Putin still holds the world’s most dangerous arsenal. Russian officials have been crystal clear: any attack on Russian territory is a red line. Could these threats be mere bluffs? Perhaps. But as the conflict intensifies, the risk of miscalculation grows. One wrong step could send the world spiraling into the unthinkable.

As President Biden weighs his options, will Ukraine get the long-range missiles it desperately wants? Or will the fear of a Russian backlash hold the West in check? Either decision carries enormous risks. If the West gives Ukraine the green light, we may see a dangerous new phase of the conflict unfold—one that reaches far beyond the battlefields of Ukraine and deep into the heart of Europe and the United States.

But restraint comes with its own price. Without these weapons, Ukraine may struggle to strike the blows it needs to turn the tide of the war. The conflict could drag on, leaving Kyiv locked in a bloody stalemate with no clear end in sight. And while the West hesitates, Putin could continue to destabilize Europe from the shadows, using cyberattacks and sabotage to keep NATO off balance.

What Happens Next?

The world stands on a knife’s edge. The decision to arm Ukraine with long-range weapons could reshape the balance of power in Eastern Europe, but it could also open the floodgates to a much larger and more devastating conflict. The threat of Putin’s revenge is real, and the consequences of pushing Russia too far could reverberate across the globe.

As tensions rise and the clock ticks down, one thing is certain: whatever decision is made, it will shape the future of the war—and the world—for years to come. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Will the West take the risk? Or will the fear of Putin’s retaliation force them to pull back from the brink?

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Russia-Ukraine War

Russia Bombs Ukrainian Hospital Twice, Killing 9



A medical center in Sumy, northeastern Ukraine—once a place of healing—was ripped apart by Russian drone strikes on Saturday morning. But it didn’t stop there. As survivors were being pulled from the wreckage, chaos still fresh in the air, Russia hit again. Nine lives—innocent, vulnerable, human—were snuffed out in a cold, calculated assault on what should have been a sanctuary.

The details are almost too devastating to process. At the time of the first strike, 86 patients and 38 medical staff were inside the building, doing what they always did—saving lives, offering hope. Within seconds, the place became a nightmare. Ceilings collapsed. Screams filled the halls. One life was lost in that first deadly strike, but the terror was far from over.

As the dust settled and emergency crews rushed to evacuate the wounded and terrified, the unthinkable happened—a second attack. Five more people, who had just been pulled to safety moments before, were obliterated in an instant. A double-strike on a hospital—where even war’s most brutal rules are meant to give way to compassion.

Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko, visibly shaken, took to Telegram to share the tragic news: “The first attack killed one person and damaged the ceilings of several floors of the hospital. As people were being evacuated, the Russians struck again.” The brutality is staggering. By the time the attacks were over, nine people were dead, and at least ten others were left clinging to life.

This isn’t just an assault on a building; this is an attack on humanity. Think about it—these were patients. Some were elderly, some were likely children. People recovering from surgeries, fighting illnesses. Doctors and nurses who’ve dedicated their lives to saving others, now themselves victims of an unrelenting war machine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy didn’t mince words, his outrage palpable: “Everyone in the world who talks about this war should pay attention to where Russia is hitting. They are fighting hospitals, civilian objects, and people’s lives.” His words echo the disbelief and horror of a world still grappling with the weight of a conflict that grows more savage by the day.

Drone strikes, Klymenko says, were the weapons of choice in Saturday’s atrocities, though the full list of horrors Russia has unleashed on Sumy and Ukraine is long. The region has been under relentless attack ever since Ukrainian forces launched an operation in Russia’s Kursk region in August. But bombing hospitals? It doesn’t get more depraved than that.

Just 32 kilometers from the Russian border, Sumy has become a target in this increasingly brutal war. Every day, the city lives under the constant threat of guided bombs and drones that don’t distinguish between military targets and innocent civilians. And yet, somehow, the resilience of the people remains unbroken. But how much more can they endure?

Earlier that same day, Ukrainian air forces had shot down 69 of 73 Russian drones during another overnight attack. Yes, 69 drones. It’s not just a skirmish; it’s a full-on assault. The defenders had managed to intercept most of them, but the cost of those that slipped through is paid in blood and broken lives.

In Kyiv, air defenses destroyed 15 attack drones, protecting millions from further devastation. But for Sumy, the heartbreak was unavoidable. It was a direct hit—twice.

This isn’t just a news headline; it’s a call to wake up. The world cannot turn away as hospitals become battlegrounds, as patients become pawns, as doctors become casualties. What happened in Sumy is more than a tragedy—it’s a crime against every notion of decency, humanity, and international law. The victims weren’t soldiers. They weren’t combatants. They were people—people like you, like me.

Zelenskyy said it best: “Only force can force Russia to peace. Peace through force is the only right way.” As we witness horrors like these, it becomes painfully clear—this war is far from over, and the world must demand accountability before more lives are lost in senseless, inhuman attacks like these.

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Russia-Ukraine War

Putin Escalates Nuclear Tensions: Warns West of Devastating Consequences Over Ukraine Aid



Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued his starkest warning yet, declaring that any Western nuclear power assisting Ukraine in attacks against Russia would be considered part of a “joint attack on the Russian Federation.” This chilling statement, delivered during a high-level meeting of Russia’s Security Council on Wednesday, sends a clear signal: Russia is ready to respond with force if provoked.

The Security Council is currently deliberating potential changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine, a move that could have far-reaching implications. One proposal under discussion? The inclusion of nuclear weapons in Russia’s response to any such “joint attack.” While it’s unclear whether Moscow would immediately resort to nuclear retaliation, Putin’s message is unmistakable: the involvement of Western powers could rapidly escalate the war beyond Ukraine’s borders.

Putin’s warning isn’t new—he’s long cautioned that allowing Ukraine to use Western-supplied long-range weapons on Russian territory could spiral into a full-scale war between Russia and NATO. But this latest threat raises the stakes dramatically, putting nuclear retaliation on the table as the war grinds through its third year.

With Russia slowly tightening its grip on Ukrainian territory, the Kremlin’s message is clear: any further Western military aid to Kyiv could trigger unprecedented consequences. The West, Putin warns, should think twice before taking that gamble.

While Putin ramps up nuclear threats, the war in Ukraine rages on. Ukrainian forces reported shooting down 28 of 32 Russian drones and intercepting four of eight missiles during a massive overnight assault on Wednesday. Yet, despite these defensive successes, destruction continues to rain down.

In Odesa, debris from a missile strike ignited a fire and damaged two trucks, while in Kyiv, local authorities reported that a drone attack thankfully avoided critical infrastructure. Kharkiv, however, was not so fortunate. Russian airstrikes pounded the region early Wednesday, damaging a hangar and hitting civilian areas. On Tuesday, a brutal bombing left three dead and over 30 wounded, with missiles striking an apartment building, a bakery, and a stadium—the heart of everyday life for ordinary Ukrainians.

As the bombs fall on Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is on the global stage, making an impassioned plea to the United Nations General Assembly. His message? The world must act now.

“There’s a lot of talk at the U.N. about collective security and the future,” Zelenskyy said. “But what we need is simple: stop the terror. Give us security so we can have a future.”

His remarks come as images of the devastation in Ukraine continue to surface. One haunting photo shows an apartment building in Kharkiv, a gaping hole where floors of homes once stood, windows shattered, debris littering the ground—a brutal reminder of Russia’s relentless assault. The same building had barely finished repairs after being hit during the initial Russian invasion in 2022. Now, it’s reduced to rubble once again.

Kharkiv’s mayor, Ihor Terekhov, expressed his sorrow and fury on Telegram, noting that the attack targeted the city’s most densely populated area. Regional prosecutors confirmed that six Russian-guided bombs rained down on the city, hitting civilians where they live, work, and play.

As Ukraine fights for survival and the West grapples with how far to go in supporting Kyiv, Putin’s nuclear threats cast a long, terrifying shadow. The conflict, which began with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, has already killed tens of thousands and displaced millions, but the prospect of nuclear war adds a terrifying new dimension.

While Western powers have been cautious to avoid direct involvement that might provoke such a response, Putin’s latest remarks suggest that line is becoming ever thinner. The question now is: How will the world respond?

This is more than just a war between two nations—it’s a battle for the future of Europe, and perhaps the world. As the Kremlin considers rewriting its nuclear doctrine and Ukraine continues its fight for survival, the choices made in the coming days and weeks could shape the course of history.

Will the West heed Putin’s warning and pull back? Or will they double down on their support for Ukraine, knowing the risks involved? One thing is clear: the world is at a tipping point—and the consequences of the next move could be catastrophic.

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Middle East

Global Crises Take Center Stage as World Leaders Address UN General Assembly



The world’s most pressing conflicts will dominate discussions as global leaders step onto the stage at the United Nations General Assembly this Tuesday. With tensions running high in Ukraine, Gaza, and along the Israel-Lebanon border, leaders from key nations are set to address how these crises are reshaping the global landscape.

All eyes will be on U.S. President Joe Biden, who faces the daunting task of balancing U.S. support for Ukraine in its fierce battle against Russian invasion, while also working to defuse escalating violence in the Middle East. Biden’s speech comes at a critical moment, as his administration juggles two major international conflicts, both with significant global ramifications.

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda will follow, representing a nation at the forefront of the Ukrainian crisis. Poland has become a vital hub for delivering aid to Ukraine, playing a key role in supporting its neighbor amid the Russian onslaught. Duda is expected to reaffirm Poland’s commitment to Ukraine’s defense while highlighting the impact the war has had on his country.

As violence spirals in the Middle East, Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani will take the podium with a message of diplomacy. Qatar, along with Egypt and the U.S., has been leading negotiations in hopes of achieving a cease-fire in Gaza, where tensions between Israel and Hezbollah are reaching a fever pitch. The situation is teetering on the edge of full-scale conflict, and the emir’s address will likely focus on the urgent need for dialogue to prevent further bloodshed.

King Abdullah II of Jordan, whose country has already intercepted Iranian drones aimed at Israel, will be one of the first to speak. Jordan is directly feeling the heat from the nearby conflict, and Abdullah is expected to push for swift international intervention before the situation spills further into the region.

Also on Tuesday’s lineup are key leaders from around the globe, including Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. Their speeches are sure to touch on the intricate dynamics of their respective regions and how international cooperation is more critical than ever.

This year’s General Assembly is not just a meeting of world leaders but a showdown of global priorities. From Eastern Europe to the Middle East, the decisions made on this stage could shape the course of these conflicts and the geopolitical future of the world. Will diplomacy prevail, or are we inching closer to a new era of global unrest?

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Russia-Ukraine War

$375 Million Military Aid Package for Ukraine to Be Unveiled Soon: U.S. Prepares to Boost Kyiv’s Fight Against Russia



The U.S. is gearing up to announce a major military aid package for Kyiv—valued at a whopping $375 million—expected as soon as Wednesday. This will be the largest injection of military support to Ukraine since May, underscoring the U.S.’s steadfast commitment as the war drags on and intensifies.

According to insiders speaking anonymously, the aid package comes at a pivotal moment and is set to include air-to-ground munitions specifically designed for F-16 fighter jets, a game-changer for Ukrainian pilots who’ve been clamoring for a way to hit Russian forces while staying out of the reach of their deadly air defenses. This is just one part of a broader arsenal set to include HIMARS ammunition, patrol boats, armored vehicles, TOW missiles, and a significant resupply of 155mm and 105mm rounds.

While the details of this package are still being finalized, its scope sends a clear message: the U.S. is doubling down on its support for Ukraine. And with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s scheduled meeting with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris later this week, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Zelenskyy, a man on a mission to bring an end to the conflict that has ravaged his country, is expected to push hard for the removal of restrictions on U.S.-supplied missiles—restrictions that prevent Ukraine from striking deep into Russian territory.

This point of contention has hovered over U.S.-Ukrainian relations. While the U.S. supports Ukraine’s defense, Washington remains wary of actions that could escalate into direct conflict with Russia. Despite Zelenskyy’s desire for long-range capabilities to hit deep inside Russia—a strategy he argues would force Moscow to pursue peace—the U.S. has kept a cautious line, wary of provoking a dangerous confrontation.

Adding to the urgency of this moment is the clock ticking on the Pentagon’s remaining Ukraine funds. Of the $61 billion allocated earlier this year, only $5 billion remains, and it’s set to expire at the end of September. The Pentagon is scrambling to roll over the leftover funds into the next fiscal year, but there are no guarantees. Contingency plans are being developed in case Congress doesn’t approve the extension in time.

The stakes are high, not just for Ukraine but for the U.S. and its NATO allies. Air Force General James Hecker, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Africa, has warned that despite Ukraine’s efforts to chip away at Russian forces, Russia’s military remains bigger and stronger than before it launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The grim reality of this war has been laid bare by Hecker’s remarks: “We’re seeing cities demolished, civilian casualties piling up, and massive attrition on both sides.”

Despite these challenges, Ukraine continues to stand its ground, having downed more than 100 Russian aircraft—far outstripping Russia’s ability to retaliate in the air. However, the U.S. and Denmark’s efforts to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16s have been slow, with both limited numbers of qualified pilots and open training slots hampering the full deployment of these game-changing jets.

As the world watches and waits, the upcoming U.S. military aid package may not just be a lifeline for Ukraine—it could shift the trajectory of the war. With Zelenskyy heading into his high-stakes meetings at the White House, the decisions made in the coming days will echo far beyond Washington and Kyiv. Will the U.S. lift its restrictions on missile strikes inside Russia? Can this latest influx of arms turn the tide in Ukraine’s favor? Or are we witnessing the beginning of a new, even more dangerous phase in this brutal war?

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Russia-Ukraine War

Zelenskyy’s Visit to U.S. Ammunition Factory: A Personal Thank You and a Strategic Push for More Aid



Ukrainian President Shakes Hands with Scranton Workers as He Rallies U.S. Support in War Against Russia

Under a veil of extraordinary security, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made an unannounced stop in Scranton, Pennsylvania—at a place where life and death are forged daily in the shape of artillery shells. The man who has come to symbolize the indomitable Ukrainian spirit stepped into an American factory that’s fueling his nation’s fight for survival against Russia’s relentless onslaught. And he wasn’t just there to shake hands and pose for photos. He was there to say thank you—personally, face to face—with the men and women whose work has become the lifeblood of Ukraine’s resistance.

This wasn’t your usual diplomatic pit stop. As Zelenskyy’s motorcade sliced through the streets of Scranton on Sunday, a sense of palpable urgency gripped the air. This is a leader at war, not just with Russia, but with time. With global attention starting to fray, Zelenskyy is doing everything he can to keep Ukraine’s fight burning bright in the minds of American workers and voters.

Outside the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, the atmosphere was electric. A small but passionate crowd, waving Ukrainian flags, braved tight security to catch a glimpse of the man they see as a hero, not just for Ukraine, but for freedom itself. These weren’t just any bystanders. They were people like Vera Kowal Krewsun, a first-generation Ukrainian American who stood with fierce pride, knowing her own friends’ parents have toiled in that very factory, producing the very ammunition keeping Ukraine alive.

“It’s unfortunate that we need a plant like this,” she said, her voice filled with emotion. “But it’s here, and it’s here to protect the world.”

Zelenskyy’s visit comes at a pivotal moment. Just hours before, he had been preparing for an intense week of meetings at the United Nations General Assembly in New York and high-stakes talks with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington. But first, he needed to be here, in the heart of Pennsylvania, in the gritty reality of America’s industrial might, to meet the people who are quite literally keeping Ukraine’s fight alive, one 155 mm artillery shell at a time.

These aren’t just shells—they’re lifelines. The howitzers they feed can strike targets nearly 32 kilometers away, allowing Ukrainian forces to pound Russian positions from a safe distance. It’s a grim business, but for people like Laryssa Salak, whose parents also immigrated from Ukraine, it’s deeply personal. She stood watching as Zelenskyy’s motorcade rolled by, proud of her heritage but frustrated by the divisions back home. “It upsets me that Americans are divided on this,” she confessed, her voice tinged with sadness. “They don’t realize the money doesn’t just go to Ukraine—it goes to American workers.”

With the war now entering its third brutal year, Zelenskyy is far from finished. His eyes are set on something bigger—securing U.S. permission to use longer-range missiles that could reach deep into Russian territory. But Washington remains hesitant. The Pentagon has been firm: while Ukraine can already strike Moscow with its drones, the use of U.S.-made missiles to hit Russia could trigger catastrophic consequences.

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin hasn’t minced words. Allow Ukraine to deploy long-range weapons, he warns, and Russia would consider itself at war with the U.S. and its NATO allies—a nightmare scenario no one wants to see unfold.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Ukraine has been burning through tens of thousands of artillery rounds a day, leaving U.S. stockpiles dangerously low. That’s why Zelenskyy’s visit to this very plant is so symbolic. The Scranton factory has ramped up production of 155 mm rounds to over 40,000 per month, and the Pentagon has ambitious plans to push that number to 100,000.

Zelenskyy was expected to be joined by some of the Pentagon’s top officials, including Doug Bush, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, and Bill LaPlante, the top weapons buyer. Both men have been instrumental in ramping up production, ensuring that the Ukrainian war machine doesn’t grind to a halt. Also in attendance was Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a firm supporter of Ukraine’s struggle.

But the 155 mm shells are just a fraction of what the U.S. has provided. From small arms to F-16 fighter jets, America has given Ukraine over $56 billion in aid since the invasion began. And yet, it’s not just about dollars and cents. It’s about a shared belief that Ukraine’s fight is a fight for the free world. European nations, too, are watching closely, knowing that if Ukraine falls, Putin’s gaze may well shift toward NATO borders.

As Zelenskyy’s week in America continues, he will carry with him the weight of his people’s hope—and the gratitude of those factory workers in Scranton who are helping to make his nation’s defense possible.

What happens next could determine not just the future of Ukraine, but the future of global peace. For now, Zelenskyy’s message is clear: the fight isn’t over, and every shell, every missile, every dollar counts.

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Russia-Ukraine War

White House Awaits Zelenskyy’s ‘Victory Plan’ to Solidify U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Goals



As President Zelenskyy presents Ukraine’s “victory plan” to Biden, the U.S. administration looks to align strategic goals, prioritizing Ukraine’s military and diplomatic strength.

As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy prepares to present his “victory plan” to President Joe Biden, the stakes are high for both leaders. The meeting comes at a critical time when the U.S. administration is eager to align its policies with Ukraine’s strategic ambitions. With only months left in Biden’s term, ensuring Ukraine’s military strength and diplomatic resilience will be crucial for both countries as they confront Russia’s aggression.

The core of Zelenskyy’s plan is expected to focus on securing military, economic, and diplomatic support to ensure Ukraine’s sovereignty. Michael Carpenter, a senior director for Europe at the National Security Council, emphasized that while the U.S. is not fully briefed on the plan’s details, the upcoming discussions will be pivotal in aligning goals for Ukraine’s success.

Zelenskyy has made it clear that fast decisions from international partners, especially the U.S., are essential to implementing his vision. The meeting will likely focus on how to strengthen Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities, particularly long-range weapons systems, which have been a topic of active discussion between the two nations.

For Biden, Ukraine’s defense against Russia represents a significant part of his foreign policy legacy. Carpenter reiterated Biden’s commitment to ensuring Ukraine emerges as a sovereign, democratic nation post-conflict. As Russian attacks continue, Ukraine’s need for military, energy, and economic assistance remains critical. The U.S. has already funneled significant resources through a supplemental bill passed in April, but with funds dwindling, future support will need to be targeted.

Strategic alignment will focus on maximizing Ukraine’s battlefield gains while ensuring broader international support, which Biden is likely to champion at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly.

The outcome of this alignment between Ukraine and the U.S. could have broader regional and global implications. Strengthening Ukraine could deter further Russian aggression and send a message to global actors about the consequences of breaching international law.

Biden’s push for increased global support for Ukraine, as he addresses the UN General Assembly, will be a key moment to garner wider international backing. This aligns with Zelenskyy’s need for swift international action to maintain momentum against Russia.

As Zelenskyy outlines his vision for Ukraine’s victory, the U.S. administration remains committed to backing Ukraine’s fight for sovereignty. The discussions between the two leaders will shape not only the immediate battlefield dynamics but also Ukraine’s long-term stability and Biden’s enduring legacy in global security.

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