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Middle East

UN Chief Warns: Lebanon Cannot Become Another Gaza



UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expresses grave concerns over escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, emphasizing the urgent need to avoid turning Lebanon into another Gaza.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a stark warning on Friday regarding the escalating tensions between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. Speaking to reporters, Guterres emphasized his deep concern about the situation and underscored the efforts of U.N. peacekeepers to de-escalate the conflict and prevent a disastrous miscalculation.

“One rash move – one miscalculation – could trigger a catastrophe that goes far beyond the border, and frankly, beyond imagination,” Guterres stated. “Let’s be clear: The people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza.”

Since the outbreak of the Gaza war in October, Hezbollah, an Iran-backed militant group, has been firing rockets at Israel in solidarity with Hamas. This has led to significant upheaval, with tens of thousands of Israelis and Lebanese fleeing their homes. The situation has intensified calls within Israel for a more aggressive military response.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations asserted on Friday that Hezbollah possesses the capability to defend itself and Lebanon against Israeli actions, warning that “perhaps the time for the self-annihilation of this illegitimate regime has come.”

The U.N. peacekeepers in the region are actively working to mitigate the risk of a broader conflict. Their presence aims to stabilize the volatile situation and ensure that no single action escalates into a full-scale war.

Lebanon’s fragile state, already grappling with economic and political turmoil, could face catastrophic consequences if the conflict with Israel were to escalate further. Guterres’ remarks highlight the critical need for restraint and dialogue to prevent a scenario where Lebanon might mirror the ongoing devastation seen in Gaza.

The international community is watching closely as tensions rise. Any significant escalation could have far-reaching implications not just for the immediate region but globally, affecting international peace and security.

In conclusion, as the situation remains tense, the U.N. continues to play a vital role in mediating and promoting peace. The message from Secretary-General Guterres is clear: The stakes are too high, and the cost of failure too great, to allow Lebanon to descend into chaos similar to Gaza. Diplomatic efforts and peacekeeping missions are crucial in averting a catastrophe and ensuring a more stable and secure future for the region.

Middle East

Hezbollah Leader Warns of Escalation: ‘No Place Safe’ in Israel if War Erupts”



In a stark and provocative statement, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has warned that “no place would be safe” in Israel if the current sporadic skirmishes between the Lebanese militant group and Israel escalate into a full-blown war. This announcement has heightened already soaring tensions in the region, underscoring the volatile dynamics that could lead to widespread conflict.

Nasrallah’s televised address on Wednesday emphasized that Hezbollah, backed by Iran, has a “bank of targets” within Israel that could be subjected to precision strikes. “There will be no place safe from our missiles and our drones,” Nasrallah declared, indicating a readiness to escalate military actions if necessary. This threat was punctuated by the release of drone footage by Hezbollah, purportedly showing sensitive sites deep within Israeli territory.

The Hezbollah leader’s assertion of possessing new, unspecified weapons adds a layer of unpredictability to the group’s capabilities. “The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the worst … and that no place … will be spared our rockets,” he added, underscoring the potential for widespread destruction.

In response to Nasrallah’s threats, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), conveyed confidence in Israel’s defensive and offensive capabilities. During a visit near the Lebanese border, Halevi stated, “The enemy only knows a small part of our capabilities and will see them at the needed time.” This remark suggests that Israel is prepared for a significant escalation and has undisclosed military assets that could counter Hezbollah’s threats.

Since the war in Gaza erupted in October, Israel and Hezbollah have engaged in intermittent exchanges of strikes, contributing to a death toll that includes over 400 people in Lebanon—mostly Hezbollah fighters and at least 80 civilians—and 16 soldiers and 11 civilians in Israel. This ongoing conflict has strained the already fragile stability in the region and raised concerns about a larger-scale war.

Nasrallah’s speech also contained a warning to Cyprus, accusing it of allowing Israeli forces to use Cypriot airports and bases for operations against Lebanon. “That move,” Nasrallah said, “means that the Cypriot government has become part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war.” This threat could potentially expand the conflict beyond the immediate borders of Lebanon and Israel, dragging in other nations and complicating international diplomacy.

The escalating rhetoric and military posturing between Hezbollah and Israel point to a highly volatile situation that could erupt into a broader conflict with devastating consequences. Nasrallah’s warning that “no place would be safe” in Israel and the potential involvement of other countries like Cyprus highlight the complex and dangerous nature of this standoff. As both sides prepare for possible escalation, the international community watches with growing concern, aware that the actions taken in the coming days and weeks could significantly impact regional and global stability.

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Gaza-Israel Conflict

Israeli Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Kills 45, Prompts International Outcry



Summary of Latest Developments:

  • Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel had not intended to harm civilians
  • ‘Something went tragically wrong’, Netanyahu says
  • US urges Israel to take more care to protect civilians
  • Hamas official says no plans for further ceasefire talks

CAIRO/JERUSALEM, May 27 (WARYATV) – An Israeli airstrike triggered a fire that killed 45 people in a tent camp in the Gazan city of Rafah, officials said on Monday, prompting an outcry from global leaders who urged the implementation of a World Court order to halt Israel’s assault.

The tragic incident occurred as tensions continue to escalate in the region, drawing widespread condemnation and calls for increased measures to protect civilians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed regret over the incident, stating that the strike was not intended to target civilians. “Something went tragically wrong,” Netanyahu said in a public address, acknowledging the grave consequences of the attack.

In response to the incident, the United States has called on Israel to exercise greater caution to avoid civilian casualties. U.S. officials have emphasized the importance of protecting non-combatants and adhering to international humanitarian law in ongoing military operations.

Meanwhile, Hamas, the governing authority in Gaza, has indicated that there are no current plans to engage in further ceasefire talks. A Hamas official dismissed the possibility of negotiations, citing ongoing hostilities and the recent escalation of violence.

The international community has reacted strongly to the Rafah attack, with leaders and organizations urging Israel to comply with a World Court order that calls for an immediate cessation of military actions. The order underscores the necessity of prioritizing the safety and well-being of civilians amid the conflict.

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The Celebrity ‘Blockout’: Social Media Users Push for Accountability Over Gaza Conflict



A grassroots movement pressures celebrities to take a stand on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza by blocking their social media content.

By Kasim Abdulkadir:

What is the Celebrity ‘Blockout’ Over the War in Gaza?

Social media users have initiated a “blockout” campaign to pressure celebrities into taking a stand on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The blockout involves users blocking the social media accounts of celebrities who they believe are not speaking out or doing enough against Israel’s actions in Gaza amidst its war with Hamas.

How Does the Blockout Work?

On platforms like X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and Instagram, users can mute or block specific accounts. By blocking celebrities, users stop seeing their posts, photos, videos, and sponsored content. This action reduces the celebrities’ engagement metrics and potentially affects their income from social media activities. The goal is to divert attention away from these celebrities’ brands, thereby pressuring them to address the crisis.

Who is Being Blocked?

There isn’t a centralized list of celebrities to be blocked. Participants of the blockout choose whom to block based on personal criteria or suggestions from others. Celebrities from the U.S. and other countries are being targeted. Each social media user must block celebrities individually on each platform they use.

Origins of the Blockout

The blockout gained momentum following the recent Met Gala, a high-profile event known for its extravagant fashion displays. As images from the gala circulated online, they were juxtaposed with distressing images from Gaza, highlighting the stark contrast between the opulence of the event and the ongoing humanitarian crisis. This led to increased scrutiny of celebrities’ responses, or lack thereof, to the situation in Gaza.

Will the Blockout Be Effective?

The long-term effectiveness of the blockout remains uncertain. According to Beth Fossen, an assistant professor of marketing at Indiana University, the impact may vary depending on the celebrity’s brand and public persona. Celebrities known for their humanitarian efforts may face more significant backlash for their silence compared to those whose fame is primarily based on their talent or other attributes.

Blockout Backlash

The blockout has faced criticism from some quarters. Detractors argue that focusing on celebrities detracts from the real issues on the ground in Gaza. There are also debates about what constitutes adequate action or statements from celebrities, adding complexity to the movement’s goals.

In conclusion, the celebrity blockout is a digital protest aimed at leveraging social media dynamics to push celebrities into taking a public stand on the Gaza conflict. While its long-term effectiveness is yet to be determined, the movement highlights the growing expectation for public figures to engage with pressing global issues. The blockout also reflects broader tensions about how social media influences activism and accountability in the digital age.

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Iran and the US: Navigating Diplomatic Channels Amidst Regional Turmoil



Analyzing the Significance and Future Implications of Ongoing Indirect Negotiations

By Kasim Abdulkadir:

Context and Background

Recent reports have confirmed that senior officials from the Biden administration engaged in indirect talks with Iranian officials in Oman. This development, confirmed by the Iranian mission to the United Nations, underscores a continuous diplomatic engagement aimed at preventing regional conflict escalation and addressing concerns surrounding Iran’s nuclear program.

Key Players and Objectives

US Participants:

  • Brett McGurk: Senior advisor for Middle East affairs.
  • Abram Paley: Acting US envoy for Iranian affairs.

These officials represent high-level involvement from the US administration, indicating the importance Washington places on these discussions.

Iranian Participants: The Iranian delegation’s specific members were not disclosed, but their involvement reflects Tehran’s readiness to engage in dialogue amidst regional tensions.

Major Discussion Points

  1. Avoiding Escalation:
    • The primary focus of the talks was to prevent an escalation of attacks in the region. This includes mitigating conflicts triggered by Iran’s actions and those of its proxies.
    • The discussions followed a significant missile attack by Iran on Israel on April 13, which nearly pushed the region into a broader conflict.
  2. Nuclear Program Concerns:
    • The US expressed concerns about the status and progress of Iran’s nuclear program. Given the history of negotiations over Iran’s nuclear capabilities, this remains a critical issue for both parties.
  3. Regional Proxy Dynamics:
    • The involvement of Iranian-backed factions in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen highlights the complexity of the region’s geopolitics. These groups have launched multiple attacks under the banner of “Unity of the Square,” which the Iranian Revolutionary Guard promotes.

Recent Context of Escalations

The indirect negotiations come in the wake of heightened tensions:

  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
    • Since the outbreak of hostilities on October 7, triggered by Hamas’ attack on Israeli settlements and military bases, the region has seen significant violence. Iranian-backed militias have been active, launching attacks towards Israel and on maritime targets in the Red Sea.
  • Iran-Israel Hostilities:
    • The cycle of retaliatory strikes between Iran and Israel, such as the missile attack by Iran and Israel’s subsequent targeting of an S-300 air defense system in Iran, underscores the volatile nature of their relationship.

Diplomatic Implications and Future Prospects

  1. Continuous Dialogue:
    • The confirmation that these talks are part of an ongoing process suggests a commitment from both sides to maintain open communication channels. This is crucial for managing crises and potentially paving the way for broader agreements.
  2. Regional Stability:
    • The primary goal of these negotiations is to stabilize the region by preventing further military escalations. If successful, these talks could reduce the immediate threat of a wider regional war.
  3. Nuclear Negotiations:
    • Addressing the nuclear issue remains a pivotal aspect of US-Iran relations. Successful dialogue here could lead to renewed agreements or understandings, mitigating one of the most significant sources of tension.
  4. Proxy Influence:
    • How Iran manages its relationships with proxy groups will be critical. The US will likely push for reduced Iranian support for these factions to lower regional tensions.

Challenges and Uncertainties

  • Political Pressures:
    • Both the US and Iranian governments face domestic pressures that could complicate these negotiations. In the US, bipartisan scrutiny of Iran policy continues, while in Iran, hardliners resist any perceived concessions.
  • Trust Deficit:
    • Years of mutual distrust and previous negotiation breakdowns mean that building a sustainable agreement will be challenging.

In conclusion, the indirect talks between the US and Iran in Oman represent a crucial effort to de-escalate regional conflicts and address longstanding nuclear concerns. While the road ahead is fraught with challenges, these negotiations offer a glimmer of hope for a more stable Middle East. The continuation of dialogue and the outcomes of these discussions will significantly impact regional and global geopolitics.

Stay tuned for further developments as these high-stakes diplomatic efforts unfold, shaping the future landscape of the Middle East.

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Biden calls out ‘ferocious surge’ of antisemitism



Exploring the President’s Response to Rising Antisemitism and Its Societal Impact

By Kasim Abdulkadir:

President Biden’s condemnation of the ‘ferocious surge’ of antisemitism sheds light on the urgent need to address hate crimes and discrimination. This analysis examines the historical context, societal implications, and potential strategies to combat antisemitism and promote tolerance and inclusivity.

President Biden’s acknowledgment and condemnation of the ‘ferocious surge’ of antisemitism highlight the alarming rise of hate crimes targeting the Jewish community. To fully understand the significance of this statement, it’s essential to delve into the historical context, societal implications, and potential strategies to combat antisemitism.

Antisemitism has deep historical roots, manifesting in discrimination, persecution, and violence against Jewish communities for centuries. From the horrors of the Holocaust to more recent instances of bigotry and prejudice, antisemitism remains a persistent and pervasive form of hate.

The resurgence of antisemitism has profound societal implications, eroding trust, and cohesion within communities and fueling divisions based on religion, ethnicity, and identity. Hate crimes targeting Jews not only inflict physical harm but also instill fear and insecurity, undermining social harmony and collective well-being.

President Biden’s condemnation of antisemitism reflects a commitment to combating hate crimes and promoting tolerance and inclusivity. By publicly addressing the issue, political leaders can raise awareness, mobilize resources, and foster solidarity in the fight against discrimination and bigotry.

Efforts to combat antisemitism must involve community empowerment, education, and advocacy. By promoting interfaith dialogue, Holocaust education, and cultural exchange, communities can foster understanding, empathy, and mutual respect, countering the forces of intolerance and extremism.

Addressing antisemitism requires global cooperation and solidarity. By partnering with international organizations, governments, and civil society groups, countries can exchange best practices, coordinate responses, and uphold human rights principles on the global stage.

Long-term strategies to combat antisemitism should prioritize prevention, intervention, and accountability. By promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in education, media, and public discourse, societies can create environments that reject hate and embrace pluralism and diversity.

President Biden’s condemnation of the ‘ferocious surge‘ of antisemitism serves as a clarion call to action against hate and intolerance. It underscores the urgent need for collective efforts to combat antisemitism, uphold human dignity, and build a more just and inclusive society for all.

In conclusion, President Biden’s statement condemning the ‘ferocious surge‘ of antisemitism highlights the ongoing struggle to confront hate and bigotry in all its forms. By confronting antisemitism head-on and promoting unity, understanding, and respect, societies can forge a path towards a future free from discrimination and prejudice.

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Biden’s Diplomatic Pivot: Hosting Jordan’s King Abdullah for White House Talks



A Strategic Dialogue Amidst Regional Uncertainties

By Kasim Abdulkadir:

President Biden’s upcoming meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan underscores the importance of U.S.-Jordan relations amidst shifting geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East. Analyzing the agenda, historical context, and potential outcomes provides insight into the broader regional landscape.

President Joe Biden’s decision to host Jordan’s King Abdullah II for talks at the White House reflects the enduring strategic partnership between the United States and Jordan, while also signaling Washington’s commitment to stability in the Middle East. The meeting, scheduled amidst a complex geopolitical environment, carries significant implications for regional dynamics.

U.S.-Jordan relations have historically been robust, grounded in mutual interests ranging from counterterrorism to regional stability. Jordan’s strategic location, bordering Israel, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, underscores its importance as a key ally in the volatile Middle East. Over the years, the U.S. has provided substantial economic and military assistance to Jordan, reinforcing its role as a stabilizing force in the region.

The Biden administration’s decision to prioritize discussions with King Abdullah comes at a critical juncture. The Middle East is grappling with multiple challenges, including the aftermath of the Arab Spring, ongoing conflicts in Syria and Yemen, and the evolving dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Additionally, the resurgence of Iran as a regional power and the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan have further complicated the geopolitical landscape.

Jordan Walks a Tightrope After Downing Iranian Drones and Missiles

Jordan, situated at the crossroads of these regional dynamics, faces its own set of challenges, including economic strains exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the burden of hosting a significant number of refugees, particularly from Syria.

Economic stability and development are crucial components of the U.S.-Jordan relationship. Jordan has long relied on U.S. aid to bolster its economy and support its modernization efforts. However, the kingdom faces structural economic challenges, including high unemployment rates and limited natural resources. Addressing these socio-economic issues will be central to the discussions between President Biden and King Abdullah.

The outcomes of the White House meeting are likely to have ripple effects across the Middle East. Key topics on the agenda may include security cooperation, regional conflict resolution, and economic development initiatives. Moreover, the meeting presents an opportunity for the Biden administration to reaffirm its commitment to multilateral diplomacy and engagement in the region, particularly following the tumultuous years of the Trump administration.

In conclusion, President Biden’s upcoming talks with King Abdullah II underscore the strategic importance of U.S.-Jordan relations in navigating the complex challenges facing the Middle East. By engaging in constructive dialogue and cooperation, both nations can work towards enhancing stability and prosperity in the region.

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Gaza-Israel Conflict

Biden administration pauses ammunition shipment to Israel: Report



Biden Administration’s Pause on Ammunition Shipment to Israel: A Shift in U.S. Policy Towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By Kasim Abdulkadir:

Amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, the Biden administration has made a significant decision to pause a munitions shipment to Israel. This move marks a notable departure from previous U.S. policies and underscores a shift in approach towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The decision comes at a critical juncture, amidst escalating violence and growing international concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

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Historically, the United States has been a staunch ally of Israel, providing military aid and support. This unwavering support has been a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East for decades. However, the recent decision to halt a munitions shipment reflects a reevaluation of this longstanding policy and a recognition of the need for a more nuanced approach to the conflict.

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One of the key factors driving this shift is the Biden administration’s commitment to promoting human rights and addressing humanitarian concerns. The violence in Gaza has resulted in significant civilian casualties and widespread destruction, leading to international calls for action to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians. By pausing the munitions shipment, the Biden administration is signaling its willingness to reassess its relationship with Israel and prioritize the protection of civilian lives.

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Additionally, the decision to pause the shipment reflects a broader shift in U.S. foreign policy towards the Middle East. Under the Biden administration, there has been a renewed emphasis on diplomacy and multilateral engagement, as opposed to the unilateral approach favored by the previous administration. This shift is evident in the administration’s efforts to work with international partners to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and promote a peaceful resolution.

Furthermore, the pause in the munitions shipment can be seen as a strategic move by the Biden administration to apply pressure on Israel to pursue a ceasefire and engage in meaningful dialogue with Palestinian leaders. By withholding military support, the United States is sending a clear message to Israel that its actions are being closely scrutinized and that there will be consequences for any violations of international law or human rights abuses.

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However, the decision to pause the munitions shipment is not without controversy. Critics argue that it undermines Israel’s ability to defend itself against rocket attacks from Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza. They contend that by withholding military aid, the United States is weakening its ally and emboldening its enemies, potentially prolonging the conflict and putting Israeli civilians at risk.

Moreover, some view the Biden administration’s actions as insufficient and are calling for more decisive measures to address the root causes of the conflict. They argue that the United States should exert greater pressure on Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories, lift the blockade on Gaza, and address the underlying grievances of the Palestinian people.

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Despite these criticisms, the pause in the munitions shipment represents a significant departure from previous U.S. policies towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It reflects a growing recognition within the Biden administration of the need for a more balanced and nuanced approach that takes into account the legitimate concerns and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Looking ahead, the Biden administration faces the daunting task of navigating the complex dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while upholding its commitment to human rights and promoting peace and stability in the region. The decision to pause the munitions shipment is just one step in what promises to be a long and challenging process, but it signals a willingness on the part of the United States to reevaluate its role in the conflict and pursue a more constructive and principled approach to achieving a lasting peace.

Tehran plays down reported Israeli attacks, signals no further retaliation

Israel’s Retaliatory Strike on Iran: Escalating Tensions in the Middle East


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Iran rejects BBC report Guards molested, killed teen protester



Unpacking Iran’s Denial of BBC Report on Teen Protester’s Death: A Closer Look at Human Rights in Iran

Iran’s denial of a recent BBC report alleging the molestation and killing of a teenage protester has reignited global scrutiny of the country’s human rights record. The report, which claims that Iranian guards were involved in the incident during demonstrations, has sparked international concern and calls for accountability.

Silencing Dissent: The Case of Toomaj Salehi and Iran’s Crackdown on Protest

This article delves deeper into Iran’s response, the broader context of human rights in the country, and the implications of such allegations on its domestic and international standing.

The Iranian government swiftly rejected the BBC report, dismissing it as baseless propaganda aimed at tarnishing the country’s reputation. Officials vehemently denied any involvement of Iranian guards in the alleged molestation and killing of the teenage protester, labeling the accusations as part of a broader campaign to undermine Iran’s sovereignty and stability. This outright denial underscores the government’s reluctance to acknowledge and address allegations of human rights abuses within its borders.

Iran’s Empty Threats: A Delicate Balance Between Deterrence and Diplomacy

The BBC report is not an isolated incident but rather a reflection of longstanding concerns regarding human rights in Iran. The country has faced criticism from international organizations and advocacy groups for its treatment of dissidents, activists, and minority groups. Reports of arbitrary arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings have raised alarm bells among human rights observers, prompting calls for accountability and reform. Despite some progress in recent years, Iran continues to face significant challenges in upholding fundamental freedoms and protecting the rights of its citizens.

The denial of the BBC report by Iran further exacerbates tensions and raises questions about the government’s commitment to transparency and accountability. The international community, including human rights organizations and foreign governments, is closely monitoring developments in Iran and calling for an independent investigation into the allegations raised by the BBC report. Continued pressure on Iran to uphold human rights standards and respect the rule of law is crucial for fostering positive change and ensuring justice for victims of abuses.

The Case for Strategic Sanctions: Holding Iran Accountable

In conclusion, Iran’s denial of the BBC report on the alleged molestation and killing of a teenage protester underscores the broader challenges facing the country in terms of human rights and accountability. As the international community continues to shine a spotlight on Iran’s human rights record, there is a pressing need for meaningful dialogue, reforms, and greater respect for fundamental freedoms. Only through concerted efforts both domestically and internationally can Iran address its human rights challenges and build a more just and inclusive society.

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