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The Poisoned Chalice: Battling the Khat Epidemic in Somaliland



Somaliland’s Khat epidemic is destroying lives while the elite remain silent

By Kasim Abdulkadir:

The dark reality of Somaliland’s Khat epidemic, where addiction and disease ravage communities while the elite turn a blind eye. Uncover the harsh truths behind the drug trade and discover strategies to combat this destructive force.

In the shadows of Somaliland, a silent epidemic grips the nation, poisoning the minds and bodies of its people. At the heart of this crisis lies Khat, a toxic drug that has permeated every facet of society, leaving devastation in its wake. Yet, as the nation grapples with addiction and disease, the Somaliland elite stand idly by, indifferent to the suffering of their people.

Khat, a stimulant derived from the Catha edulis plant, is chewed for hours on end by millions of Somalilanders, ensnaring them in a cycle of addiction and despair. With each chew, users succumb to its intoxicating effects, numbing their senses and clouding their judgment. For many, Khat is more than just a habit; it’s a way of life, consuming their time, their health, and their finances.

The scale of the problem is staggering, with an estimated 70 percent of Somaliland’s population addicted to Khat. The economic toll is equally alarming, with the drug trade raking in over $6 billion annually, surpassing the nation’s GDP. Yet, despite the clear signs of crisis, the Somaliland elite remain silent, turning a blind eye to the suffering of their people.

While Western countries ban Khat due to its harmful effects, the hypocrisy is glaring as NGOs operating in Somaliland fail to address the issue. These organizations, funded by Western donors, prioritize their own agendas over the well-being of Somalilanders, perpetuating the cycle of addiction and despair.

But the consequences of Khat addiction extend far beyond individual suffering. As cancer rates soar and new diseases emerge, Somaliland faces a public health crisis of unprecedented proportions. The pesticides sprayed on Khat farms, intended to boost production, have instead led to infertility and organ failure among users, exacerbating the nation’s woes.

Yet, amidst the darkness, there is hope. The Quran reminds us that change begins from within, and it is time for the Somaliland elite to heed this call. They must confront the harsh realities of the Khat epidemic and take decisive action to combat its spread.

Education is key to breaking the cycle of addiction, and the elite must lead by example, raising awareness of the dangers of Khat and promoting healthy alternatives. Investment in rehabilitation programs and access to healthcare is essential to supporting those struggling with addiction and rebuilding shattered communities.

But perhaps most importantly, the Somaliland elite must confront their own complicity in the crisis. By turning a blind eye to the suffering of their people, they perpetuate a system of inequality and injustice that threatens to tear the nation apart. It is time for them to stand up and be counted, to acknowledge their responsibility and work towards real, sustainable change.

The path ahead will be difficult, but it is not insurmountable. Together, we can overcome the scourge of Khat addiction and build a brighter future for Somaliland.

The time for action is now.


How Corrupt Politicians, Unreliable Media, and an Unholy Alliance Threaten Somaliland’s Stability



Somaliland at the Crossroads: Facing an Internal Betrayal and External Threats

Somaliland is grappling with unprecedented internal and external threats that could undermine its quest for recognition and stability. Reliable sources have revealed a disturbing trend: some leaders within the Somaliland government are allegedly colluding with external enemies, compromising the integrity and future of the region. This article delves into the multifaceted dangers Somaliland faces, examining the internal betrayals, media manipulation, and the ominous alliance between Somalia and terrorist groups such as Al-Shabaab.

Recent revelations suggest that certain Somaliland government leaders are clandestinely working with adversaries to destabilize the region. This betrayal from within poses a severe threat to Somaliland’s security and governance. These leaders are reportedly leveraging their positions for personal gain, influenced by external money and political pressure. This internal corruption not only erodes trust in the government but also weakens Somaliland’s ability to defend itself against external threats.

The role of the media in Somaliland’s current predicament cannot be overstated. The government’s media apparatus is accused of being staffed by uneducated individuals who, driven by financial incentives, are effectively acting as mouthpieces for enemy interests. This manipulation of information can swiftly erode public trust and destabilize the region. The government’s failure to address these internal media problems is reminiscent of the misinformation and chaos during the Lasanod conflict in 2023. If history is not to repeat itself, Somaliland must confront these internal media failings head-on.

The geopolitical landscape surrounding Somaliland is fraught with danger. Somalia, plagued by corruption, terrorism, and instability, has reportedly formed an unholy alliance with terrorist organizations like Al-Shabaab and ISIS. This collaboration poses a direct threat to Somaliland’s security and sovereignty. Al-Shabaab, in particular, has been integrated into Somalia’s political and military strategies, blurring the lines between the state and terrorist operations. The announcement of direct talks between the Somali government and Al-Shabaab on July 22 only underscores this alarming convergence of interests.

At this critical juncture, Somaliland’s leaders must seize the opportunity to strengthen internal unity and address the multifaceted threats facing the region. This includes accommodating the diverse demands of its population and ensuring that governance remains transparent and accountable. The threat posed by Al-Shabaab and its allies is not just an external issue; it is a profound challenge to the democratic values and good governance that Somaliland aspires to uphold.

The situation in Somaliland bears troubling similarities to the early stages of the Afghan conflict. Just as the Taliban forged alliances with various factions to destabilize Afghanistan, Al-Shabaab and its affiliates are seeking to exploit the weaknesses within Somaliland. The collaboration between Al-Shabaab and the Houthis further complicates the regional security dynamics, presenting an even greater challenge to Somaliland’s stability.

Somaliland stands at a crossroads. The combination of internal betrayal, media manipulation, and external threats from an unholy alliance between Somalia and terrorist groups necessitates immediate and decisive action. Somaliland’s leaders must look inward to root out clannism, strengthen the integrity of their media, and bolster defenses against external threats.

The future of Somaliland depends on its ability to confront these challenges head-on and maintain its commitment to democracy and good governance.

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The Legacy of President Muse Bihi: Crafting the Future of Somaliland’s History and Education



President Muse Bihi of Somaliland has initiated a significant project that promises to shape the future of the nation for generations to come. By establishing the Somaliland History House, Bihi is not only preserving the rich history and resources of the country but also creating a hub for education and research that will benefit future leaders and citizens. This bold move underscores his commitment to the nation’s heritage and the educational advancement of its people.

The Somaliland History House, or Hoygani, is more than just a museum. It is a comprehensive center dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Somaliland’s historical and cultural legacy. This institution serves as a genealogy center, connecting the present generation with their ancestors and providing a space for the community and tourists to explore the nation’s past. The center features various sections, including exhibits on the heritage and culture of Somaliland, the tools and lifestyles of ancient inhabitants, and an audio-visual presentation of the country’s history.

President Bihi’s vision for the Somaliland History House goes beyond mere preservation. He sees it as a crucial educational resource that will inspire and inform future generations. By providing a place to study and research, the center aims to enhance the educational landscape of Somaliland, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the nation’s history among its youth. This initiative reflects Bihi’s forward-thinking approach and his dedication to creating a lasting impact on the country’s educational infrastructure.

However, the success of this ambitious project and its integration into the broader political landscape of Somaliland is not without challenges. The political climate is fraught with tension as the upcoming election on November 13, 2024, approaches. President Bihi and his Kulmiye political party face harsh criticism and fierce opposition, with private media outlets often siding against them. The government’s media apparatus is underdeveloped and lacks professional expertise, being staffed by individuals chosen more for their clan affiliations than their qualifications.

This disparity in media capabilities puts the Kulmiye party at a significant disadvantage. The opposition parties, with their more professional and strategically adept media presence, have been able to shape public opinion more effectively. This situation poses a substantial obstacle for Bihi and his party as they strive to communicate their achievements and future plans to the electorate.

The inauguration of the Somaliland History House could play a pivotal role in the upcoming election campaign. It stands as a testament to President Bihi’s dedication to preserving Somaliland’s history and enhancing its educational framework. Yet, without a robust and professional media strategy, the full impact of this achievement might not reach the broader public. The government media needs an urgent upgrade to compete with the opposition’s narrative and to highlight the significance of projects like the Somaliland History House.

In conclusion, President Muse Bihi’s establishment of the Somaliland History House is a landmark achievement that holds great promise for the future of the nation’s history and education. However, the political and media landscape presents significant challenges that need to be addressed to ensure that this and other initiatives are effectively communicated to the public. The upcoming election will be a critical test for Bihi and the Kulmiye party, as they navigate these complexities and strive to secure their place in Somaliland’s future.

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Political Dynamics in Somaliland: The Battle Over the MOU



Somaliland functions with a high degree of autonomy and has a complex political landscape shaped by several key parties with differing visions for its future. A significant recent development stirring controversy is the debate over a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which has become a flashpoint among the political elite.

Key Political Parties and Their Positions on the MOU

The Kulmiye Party, founded in 2002 and currently led by the interior Minister Mohamed Kahin, holds a center-right political stance focused on the sovereignty and international recognition of Somaliland. Since 2010, Kulmiye has been the ruling party, spearheading initiatives that promote internal stability and seek diplomatic recognition. Kulmiye supports the MOU, viewing it as a crucial tool to reinforce administrative and governance structures within Somaliland. This support is rooted in the belief that the MOU will enhance political and economic stability and align with broader efforts to bolster Somaliland’s claims for international recognition by demonstrating effective self-governance.

The UCID Party, established in 2001 under the leadership of Faysal Ali Warabe, is a centrist party that advocates for social justice, welfare, and practical governance solutions. While not as dominant as Kulmiye, UCID has been a consistent force in Somaliland politics, often backing initiatives aimed at enhancing governance. The party supports the MOU for its potential to improve internal governance and economic policies, thereby contributing to a stable and progressive political environment. UCID sees the MOU as aligning with its agenda of strengthening internal systems without compromising Somaliland’s quest for independence.

The WADANI Party, founded in 2012 and led by Hirsi Haaji Ali, takes a center-left stance, advocating for a more inclusive and flexible approach to Somaliland’s political future, including exploring confederal options with Somalia. As the main opposition party, WADANI has been a critical voice challenging the ruling party’s policies and presenting alternative governance models. WADANI opposes the MOU, rooted in its broader political agenda, which includes considering a confederal relationship with Somalia. The party views the MOU as an attempt to cement Somaliland’s separation from Somalia without adequate discussion of confederal options, undermining WADANI’s political strategies and lacking essential provisions for Somaliland’s future, particularly regarding its relationship with Somalia.

Controversy and Criticism: WADANI Party’s Role

The WADANI Party has been a contentious player in Somaliland’s political arena. Its opposition to the MOU has not only created political friction but also raised suspicions about its intentions. Critics accuse WADANI of pursuing power at any cost, even if it means destabilizing Somaliland. This criticism is fueled by several incidents that have tarnished the party’s image.

WADANI has been accused of inciting violence and unrest. A notable incident involved the killing of a 11 police officers, an act that has been widely condemned and linked to the party’s aggressive tactics. The party’s opposition to various developmental projects and initiatives, including the MOU, has been seen as detrimental to Somaliland’s progress. Critics argue that WADANI prioritizes its political agenda over the well-being of the nation. There are allegations that WADANI has ties to hostile entities in Lasanod, aiming to destabilize the region to further its political ambitions. These connections raise serious concerns about the party’s loyalty to Somaliland’s interests.

The Importance of the MOU

The MOU represents a significant step towards reinforcing Somaliland’s governance frameworks and economic policies. For parties like Kulmiye and UCID, the MOU is seen as an opportunity to solidify governance reforms, promote economic stability, and enhance the credibility of Somaliland as a self-governing entity. The MOU is also aligned with efforts to demonstrate Somaliland’s self-governance capability and garner international recognition support.

In conclusion, the political landscape in Somaliland is marked by deep-seated rivalries and differing visions for the future. The debate over the MOU highlights these tensions, with Kulmiye and UCID supporting the agreement as a step towards stability and international recognition, while WADANI opposes it, citing concerns over Somaliland’s relationship with Somalia. The allegations against WADANI of inciting violence and undermining development further complicate the political dynamics.

Somaliland’s path forward will depend on navigating these complex political waters and ensuring that governance reforms and economic stability are prioritized over partisan interests. The support for the MOU by Kulmiye and UCID, and the opposition by WADANI, illustrates the multifaceted political landscape and the ongoing debates within Somaliland about its future direction.

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Exposing the Conspiracy: Mohamed Abdullahi Omar’s Hidden Agenda Against Somaliland



Unveiling the Alleged Betrayal by Former Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Omar and His Plot to Undermine Somaliland’s Sovereignty

In a shocking revelation, Ibrahim Nuh Hussein, former chairman of the Kulmiye party in the UK, has exposed what he describes as a clandestine conspiracy orchestrated by Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, former Foreign Minister of Somaliland. Speaking in an exclusive interview with Arabsiyo News, Ibrahim accused Omar of betraying Somaliland’s quest for independence and sovereignty by secretly working towards its reintegration with Somalia.

Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, known colloquially as “Bajaaj,” served as a prominent figure within Somaliland’s political landscape. His recent shift to the opposition Waddani party has sparked significant controversy, especially given his past conflicts with key figures within the same party. According to Ibrahim Nuh Hussein, Omar’s real motives are far from altruistic; he claims Omar’s allegiance lies not with Somaliland but with Somalia.

Ibrahim detailed how, in 2012, Omar signed an agreement in London with the Somali government, which effectively recognized Somaliland as a region under Somalia. This agreement, Ibrahim argues, was the first indication of Omar’s long-term objective to undermine Somaliland’s independence. The agreement also included provisions for Somalia’s transition from an interim government to a federal system, a move seen by many as detrimental to Somaliland’s aspirations for full autonomy.

The accusations against Omar extend beyond past actions. Ibrahim asserts that Omar, along with the Waddani party’s candidate Abdirahman Irro and chairman Hirsi Haaji Ali, are actively plotting to return Somaliland to Somalia if they win the upcoming elections in November 2024. This, he claims, would effectively dismantle Somaliland’s hard-earned progress and autonomy.

Further complicating matters, Ibrahim alleged that Omar is affiliated with a Norwegian organization dedicated to promoting a confederation between Somaliland and Somalia. This organization, he contends, has facilitated discussions between Omar and Somaliland’s president, Muse Bihi, regarding potential negotiations with Somalia. Despite President Bihi’s refusal to entertain such talks, the existence of these discussions has raised alarm bells about Omar’s true intentions.

The potential reintegration of Somaliland with Somalia carries significant political and economic risks. Ibrahim warns that such a move could undermine the stability of the region, disrupt local governance, and jeopardize international investments, particularly in the strategically vital Port of Berbera. This port has become a critical economic hub for Somaliland, and its potential destabilization poses a threat to regional trade and economic growth.

To fully grasp the gravity of these allegations, it is essential to consider the historical and geopolitical context. Somaliland declared back its independence from Somalia in 1991 following a brutal civil war. Since then, it has maintained a distinct political identity and has made considerable strides towards establishing a stable and democratic governance system. However, its quest for international recognition remains unfulfilled, making it vulnerable to internal and external political maneuvers.

The accusations against Omar have elicited a range of responses from various stakeholders. Supporters of Somaliland’s independence view these revelations with alarm, seeing them as a direct threat to their aspirations.

The potential scenarios following the November 2024 elections are fraught with uncertainty. If the Waddani party, with Omar’s influence, succeeds in its alleged agenda, Somaliland could face significant internal strife and a reconfiguration of its political landscape. On the other hand, a strong rejection of these moves could galvanize further support for Somaliland’s independence movement, potentially leading to renewed efforts for international recognition.

In conclusion, the allegations against Mohamed Abdullahi Omar underscore the complex and often perilous nature of political dynamics in Somaliland. As the region navigates its path towards the November elections, the importance of vigilance and advocacy for its sovereignty cannot be overstated. The international community and local stakeholders must remain alert to any actions that threaten to undermine Somaliland’s hard-won progress and continue to support its legitimate aspirations for independence.

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Minister Kahin Honors Poet Abdi Iidaan and Exposes Opposition Malfeasance



Minister Kahin’s Bold Stance Against Opposition and Celebration of Cultural Heritage 

In a powerful ceremony in Hargeisa, Somaliland’s Minister of Internal Affairs and Kulmiye Party chairman, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, praised poet Abdi Iidaan Farah and criticized the Waddani Party’s detrimental actions against national security. Learn about his compelling speech and the political landscape of Somaliland.

HARGEISA, SOMALILAND — In a ceremony filled with cultural reverence and political intensity, Minister of Internal Affairs and chairman of the Kulmiye Party, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, paid homage to the late poet Abdi Iidaan Farah while delivering a scathing critique of the Waddani Party. The event took place in the heart of Hargeisa, where Minister Kahin seized the opportunity to intertwine the nation’s cultural pride with its current political struggles.

Minister Kahin began his address by honoring Abdi Iidaan Farah, a revered poet whose legacy has profoundly impacted Somaliland’s cultural heritage. Farah, who passed away years ago in Hargeisa, was celebrated for his literary contributions that continue to inspire the nation. Kahin lamented that neither the book about Farah nor the ceremony had received the recognition they deserved, highlighting the need to cherish and promote Somaliland’s cultural icons.

Transitioning to the political sphere, Minister Kahin directed his ire towards the Waddani Party, accusing them of undermining national security and obstructing vital governmental processes. He emphasized the importance of distinguishing between nationalism and political ideologies, reminding the audience of Somaliland’s commendable election processes that have garnered international recognition since 2002.

Minister Kahin’s speech took a more intense tone as he addressed the ongoing delays in the national budget approval, attributing the impasse to Waddani Party candidate Abdirahman Abdullahi Irro and the chairman of the Kaah association, Mahmoud Hashi. He accused them of blocking salaries for national forces, a move that has severe implications for the nation’s security and well-being. Kahin vowed to expose the opposition’s tactics and shared that there is documented evidence of their disrespect towards national forces.

Drawing from historical examples, Kahin recounted the third president of Somaliland, Dahir Riyale Kaahin’s visit to Lascanod amidst unrest, where opposition from the Kulmiye Party was set aside for the national interest. He contrasted this with the Waddani Party’s actions, accusing them of sending troops to Gacan Libah mountain, resulting in tragic losses for the Somaliland forces.

Minister Kahin didn’t hold back in his personal attacks on Mahmoud Hashi, revealing past corrupt practices during his tenure in the previous government. He alleged that Hashi misappropriated funds meant for national projects. This revelation was met with widespread applause, underscoring the public’s support for Kahin’s transparency and accountability.

Kahin reminisced about his own history as a fighter in the Somali National Movement (SNM), particularly his role in the liberation of Somaliland, reinforcing his commitment to national service. He praised Faisal, the chairman of the Ucid party, for his constructive criticism that does not undermine national unity, contrasting it with the divisive tactics of the Waddani Party.

Minister Kahin concluded his speech by urging the youth to learn and honor their history, reinforcing the importance of national unity. He reassured the public that the Kulmiye Party and the current government are committed to peace and cooperation with nations that respect Somaliland’s sovereignty, such as Ethiopia, despite Somalia’s opposition.

In closing, Minister Kahin reiterated the government’s readiness for the upcoming elections and announced the purchase of 1,000 copies of the book on Abdi Iidaan Farah as a gesture of cultural appreciation. His speech, marked by passion and conviction, highlighted the stark contrasts between the Kulmiye Party’s vision for Somaliland and the Waddani Party’s contentious actions.

In a surprising turn, Minister Kahin hinted at releasing further evidence against the opposition, promising to unveil videos and documents that would expose the Waddani Party’s continual disrespect towards national forces. This revelation has the potential to shift the political landscape significantly, as Kahin’s disclosures could sway public opinion further in favor of the Kulmiye Party.

In conclusion, Minister Mohamed Kahin Ahmed’s speech in Hargeisa serves as a pivotal moment in Somaliland’s political narrative. By blending cultural homage with a robust critique of opposition parties, Kahin reasserted the Kulmiye Party’s commitment to national unity and transparency. As the political climate intensifies, the people of Somaliland are left to contemplate the future leadership of their nation.

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Why Somaliland Fails to Honor Its Own Heroine: The Case of Edna Adan Ismail



Celebrating the Unrecognized Contributions of a Trailblazer in Women’s Health and Rights

Explore the remarkable achievements of Dr. Edna Adan Ismail, the first African woman to win the 2023 Templeton Prize. Despite her global recognition, why is Somaliland not honoring its own heroine? Discover her impact on women’s health and rights.

Dr. Edna Adan Ismail, a pioneering nurse-midwife, hospital founder, and fierce advocate for women’s health, has recently made history as the first African woman to receive the prestigious Templeton Prize in 2023. This significant accolade, valued at nearly $1.4 million, acknowledges her relentless efforts to improve women’s health and combat female genital mutilation (FGM). Despite her international acclaim, one glaring question remains:

Why has Somaliland failed to honor its own heroine?

Born in 1937 in Hargeisa, the capital of what was then British Somaliland, Edna Adan’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her father, a prominent doctor, ensured she received an education, a rarity for girls at the time. This early exposure to medicine and education set her on a path to become Somaliland’s first professionally trained nurse-midwife and a leading figure in public health.

Edna Adan’s impact is most profoundly felt through the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital, established in 2002. Built on a former garbage dump, this hospital has drastically reduced maternal and infant mortality rates in Somaliland, a region with a fragile healthcare system. The hospital has delivered over 30,000 babies and trained more than 4,000 healthcare professionals, predominantly women, ensuring a lasting legacy of skilled medical practitioners in East Africa.

Beyond the walls of her hospital, Edna Adan has served as Somaliland’s Minister of Social Affairs and Foreign Minister, using her platform to advocate for women’s rights and against FGM. Despite facing severe backlash and threats, she has courageously spoken out against this harmful practice, educating and mobilizing both women and men. Her efforts have significantly raised awareness and led to policy changes in Somaliland and beyond.

The Templeton Prize is not the only recognition Edna Adan has received. Her accolades include the French Legion of Honour and numerous humanitarian awards, all testament to her tireless dedication to improving women’s health and rights. However, Somaliland’s government and people have not adequately honored her immense contributions. Despite her relentless work to improve the lives of Somalilanders and her role in promoting the region globally, she has not received the highest honors from her own country.

As Somaliland aspires for international recognition, it must first honor its own heroes. Edna Adan Ismail’s story is one of relentless pursuit of better healthcare and women’s rights, rooted in profound personal sacrifice and unwavering faith. She exemplifies the spirit of Somaliland—a beacon of hope, resilience, and unwavering determination.

Somaliland’s government must acknowledge and celebrate Edna Adan’s unparalleled contributions. Her efforts have not only saved countless lives but also elevated Somaliland’s standing on the global stage. By failing to recognize her work adequately, Somaliland risks undermining the very values of dignity and resilience that Edna Adan embodies.

As Edna Adan continues her global advocacy, it is high time for Somaliland to bestow upon her the highest honors she so richly deserves. Her legacy is not just one of medical and social advancement but also a testament to what one individual’s determination can achieve. By celebrating Edna Adan, Somaliland can demonstrate its commitment to the values she has tirelessly championed and inspire future generations to continue her vital work.

Dr. Edna Adan Ismail’s work has transformed the lives of many women, not just in Somaliland but across the globe. Her relentless pursuit of better healthcare, her fight against FGM, and her dedication to women’s rights are a beacon of hope and resilience. It is a travesty that while the world honors her, Somaliland remains silent. It is time for Somaliland to wake up and recognize the immense contributions of its own heroine.

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The Hidden Betrayal: Waddani Party and Their Chairman’s Treason Against Somaliland



Exposing the Waddani Party’s Collusion with Foreign Powers and Their Undermining of Somaliland’s Sovereignty

Today, we bring to light the treacherous actions of the Waddani Party and its chairman, Hirsi Haaji Ali, which have been kept hidden from the people of Somaliland. This exposé reveals their clandestine communications with foreign entities, their betrayal of the Somaliland National Army, and their alarming alignment with enemies of Somaliland during the Lasanod War.

Discover the treacherous actions of the Waddani Party and its chairman Hirsi Haaji Ali, as they collude with foreign powers and undermine Somaliland’s sovereignty.

A Leak Unveiled

A letter from the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Information Rights Unit, has surfaced, uncovering a shocking exchange between the Waddani Party chairman and the FCDO. This letter, originating from the heart of London’s diplomatic circles, exposes the Waddani Party’s malicious intent and their concerted efforts to undermine Somaliland’s sovereignty.

The correspondence, dated April 20, 2023, features Hirsi Haaji Ali, the chairman of the Waddani Party, requesting the FCDO’s assessment of the violence in Lasanod from December 25, 2022, to January 2, 2023. This request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, reveals the Waddani Party’s willingness to solicit foreign intervention and critique Somaliland’s internal affairs on the international stage.

The Damning Evidence

Phil Miller from the FCDO responded to Hirsi Haaji Ali’s request, confirming the existence of the requested information but withholding its disclosure. Miller’s response highlighted that revealing such information could damage the delicate relationship between the UK and Somaliland, indicating the sensitive nature of the content requested by Hirsi Haaji Ali.

Miller’s letter states: “I can confirm the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) does hold information relevant to your request, but we are not disclosing it for the following reasons. Some of the information within the scope of your request is exempt under section 27(1)(a) of the FOIA. Section 27(1)(a) of the FOIA recognizes the need to protect information that would be likely to prejudice relations between the United Kingdom and other states if it was disclosed.”

This response underscores the potential damage such a disclosure could cause to international relations, and by extension, the interests of Somaliland. The fact that Hirsi Haaji Ali sought such sensitive information raises serious questions about his intentions and loyalty.

Undermining the Somaliland National Army

The Waddani Party’s history of harsh criticism against the Somaliland National Army is well-documented. They have consistently used derogatory language and accused the army of misconduct, thereby undermining the morale and legitimacy of Somaliland’s primary defense institution. This leaked correspondence now adds a new layer of betrayal, suggesting that the Waddani Party has actively sought to weaken Somaliland’s defense capabilities by seeking external validation for their criticisms.

Aligning with the Enemy

The Lasanod War has been a significant conflict, with Somaliland’s forces facing off against various insurgent groups. The Waddani Party’s actions during this period have been nothing short of treasonous. By attempting to procure sensitive information from a foreign power, the Waddani Party has shown a blatant disregard for Somaliland’s sovereignty and security.

Moreover, there are disturbing reports of the Waddani Party aligning with entities that oppose Somaliland’s stability. This alignment has provided these groups with political cover and has potentially facilitated the flow of information and resources that undermine Somaliland’s efforts to maintain peace and security in the region.

Conclusion: A Call for Accountability

The revelations about the Waddani Party and its chairman Hirsi Haaji Ali demand immediate action. Their betrayal of Somaliland’s national interests and their attempts to solicit foreign intervention must be condemned in the strongest terms. The people of Somaliland deserve leaders who are committed to their sovereignty and security, not ones who engage in clandestine dealings with foreign powers and undermine the nation’s defense forces.

It is time for the people of Somaliland to hold the Waddani Party accountable for their actions. The integrity and sovereignty of Somaliland must be protected, and those who seek to compromise it must be exposed and brought to justice. This exposé is just the beginning of a broader call for transparency and accountability in Somaliland’s political landscape.

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Billions Invested, Corruption Endured: The Ongoing Struggle Against al-Shabaab in Somalia



Explore how billions in US and EU aid to Somalia have been undermined by corruption within the Somali National Army, allowing al-Shabaab to maintain its grip through guerrilla tactics, financial resilience, and effective exploitation of military resources.

Despite billions of dollars in aid and resources from the United States and the European Union, the fight against the terrorist group al-Shabaab in Somalia remains a challenging endeavor. Rampant corruption within the Somali National Army (SNA) and intelligence failures have allowed al-Shabaab to adapt, thrive, and continue its insurgency. This article delves into the financial investments, corruption issues, and the sophisticated tactics employed by al-Shabaab that have made the fight against terrorism in Somalia particularly arduous.

Financial and Military Aid from the US and EU

Over the years, the United States and the European Union have allocated substantial funds and resources to support Somalia’s defense and security efforts. The annual budget for Somalia’s defense and security, supported significantly by international aid, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars. This financial support includes not only direct military aid but also training, equipment, and logistical support aimed at enhancing the capabilities of the SNA.

Somalia Defense and Security Budget

The annual budget for Somalia’s defense and security sector is heavily bolstered by international assistance. In recent years, the combined contributions from the US and EU have averaged around $500 million per year. This funding is intended to strengthen the SNA and enable it to counter the persistent threat posed by al-Shabaab.

Corruption and Intelligence Failures

Despite these substantial investments, the effectiveness of the SNA is severely undermined by corruption and intelligence failures. Corruption within the SNA has led to misallocation of resources, with funds often siphoned off by officials and commanders. This has resulted in inadequate training, poorly maintained equipment, and a lack of essential supplies for soldiers on the front lines.

Intelligence failures have further exacerbated the situation, allowing al-Shabaab to exploit weaknesses in military operations. In several instances, al-Shabaab has managed to obtain crucial information about SNA movements and strategies, leading to successful attacks on Somali and African Union (A.U.) forces.

Al-Shabaab’s Resilience and Adaptability

Al-Shabaab has demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability in its operations. The group employs asymmetric warfare tactics, including guerrilla warfare, hit-and-run attacks, and the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). These tactics have proven effective against the more conventionally structured SNA and A.U. forces.

Asymmetric Warfare Tactics

Al-Shabaab’s guerrilla tactics include ambushes, assassinations, and coordinated attacks on military bases and government installations. These tactics are designed to inflict maximum damage while minimizing the group’s own casualties, allowing them to sustain prolonged engagements with superior forces.

Financial Resilience of al-Shabaab

Al-Shabaab’s financial strategies have played a crucial role in its sustained insurgency. The group employs a range of financing methods, including taxation, extortion, and involvement in illicit trade. These activities generate significant revenue, enabling al-Shabaab to fund its operations and maintain its arsenal.

Sources of Weapons and Ammunition

Al-Shabaab’s arsenal includes a variety of small arms and heavy weapons. The group is known to possess AK-47 rifles, PKM machine guns, Dushka heavy machine guns, B10 recoilless rifles, grenades, and RPGs. Their heavy weaponry includes ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns and mortars, particularly 60mm and 81mm, with reports of a limited number of 120mm mortars.

Significant quantities of these arms and ammunition are believed to come from Yemen, facilitated by networks of arms smugglers, particularly the Mukalla network. This smuggling network has been instrumental in supplying al-Shabaab with the necessary tools to sustain its insurgency.

Internal Complicity and Captured Military Materiel

Corruption within the Somali government has also contributed to al-Shabaab’s resilience. There have been numerous instances where government officials and military personnel have colluded with the terrorist group. This complicity has allowed al-Shabaab to capture significant amounts of military materiel from both A.U. and Somali forces.

Overrunning Bases and Capturing Weapons

One of the most notable incidents occurred in May 2023, when al-Shabaab fighters overran the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) base at Buulo Mareer. During this attack, the group looted considerable amounts of military equipment, including 107mm rockets. Although international forces subsequently destroyed some of these rockets in airstrikes, al-Shabaab managed to use others to launch attacks on high-profile targets, including the United Nations camp in Aden Adde International Airport and Villa Somalia.


The struggle against al-Shabaab in Somalia underscores the complex interplay of international aid, local corruption, and the adaptability of terrorist organizations. Despite significant financial and military support from the US and EU, the pervasive corruption within the Somali National Army and intelligence failures have allowed al-Shabaab to maintain its insurgency. The group’s effective use of guerrilla tactics, financial resilience, and ability to capture and utilize military resources highlight the multifaceted challenges faced in achieving lasting peace and security in Somalia.

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